Virtual Viewings is a way for up to four people to meet in a 3D virtual tour. Showcase features and build rapport with your clients before you even meet them in person.
Virtual Viewings is a new feature that integrates seamlessly with Matterport 3D virtual tours. Over 2 million of these 3D virtual tours exist, but only a handful of people are using them to their full potential.
Become instantly more attractive to your target market by providing a service that keeps them safe and allows them to view properties from their arm chairs or offices.
Get your properties in front of more people more quickly. No need for travel to and from properties for viewing in the first instance. You can meet your clients virtually right there at home or in your office.
In line with Government guidelines, conduct viewings of properties for rent or sales virtually in the first instance. Help reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Continue reading about features and benefits of Virtual Viewings.
We have 3 packages available
Professional – Sign up here
Business – Sign up here
Starter – Sign up here